
5 key reasons why you should update your eDMS system

5 key reasons why you should update your eDMS system

Very often, after the initial, in many cases, one-time investment for the purchase of a business process and document management system, the management of the organization does not take into account the need for its regular update.

For many of the managers, the update is considered as an unimportant, unnecessary expense that they can skip and very often they do not consider it as bringing any value to the organization and the work of the employees.
Unfortunately, this is a big mistake, which may initially save them some costs, but in the long run, it can seriously reflect on the daily processes of the organization.

What does system update mean?

The update is related to the delivery of all new versions, sub-versions, service versions, revisions of the software modules and applications that we have purchased. Each new version may have bug fixes, optimizations, new functionality, etc. In addition, the new version improves both the system as a whole and the work of users, and increases their productivity.

Key reasons to update

Let's look at the top 5 reasons that could make you change your mind about the need to upgrade your document management system.

Compliance with the regulatory framework and interoperability

Business process and document management systems comply with certain regulations and laws, which also undergo changes over time. Updating your system will ensure that it is synchronized with the change in the regulatory framework and complies with the principles of e-Government, including the eGovernment Act and the Strategy of the development of e-Government in the Republic of Bulgaria.
The update also ensures that you are complying with the European and national interoperability framework and the international standards that each system must meet, and that any changes to these requirements will always be reflected in the new versions of the system, accordingly, in your organization.

Preserving the value of the investment

Any software system should be regarded as an investment, the value of which begins to decrease the moment that investment is no longer updated and developed, similar to the depreciation of computer equipment or cars. Unlike fixed tangible assets, which as a result of the depreciation, we at some point replace with brand new ones, with software systems, including eDMS, we have the option to update them constantly, which keeps them always as new without losing their value.

New functions and tools

Upgrading your eDMS to a newer version gives you new functionalities and tools that the developers have made for you, so the efficiency of the users' workflows and the organisation as a whole to be improved. The new versions will give you, in addition to completely new features, also optimization of existing ones so that they are more user-friendly. Updating your eDMS system is the best way to make sure you always have the latest features and the best performance.

Synchronisation of the system with technological developments

Each eDMS system is based on certain technologies and platforms to operate, for example Microsoft, Oracle, Linux, MacOS, etc. They also evolve over time, have constant updates with bug fixes, improvements, new features, new drivers, plugins, etc. Any change in the technology or the platform your document management system is based on may affect the performance of the version you are using. If you don't have a subscription update, then you may have a serious problem, because sometimes an update in a platform can cause your software system and your processes to stop. But if you have a system update, there is nothing to worry about, you will simply update to the next version of the software, where this problem is no longer present. A subscription update will ensure that your system stays up to date with technological developments and that you maintain your system in "good health" for a long period of time.

Improvement using best practices

The software system development involves a continuous effort to improve it with each new version through optimization of actions and number of clicks, better interface, increase of user satisfaction and so on. Such improvements are based on the best practices of other users of the system and a continuous collection of feedback from them. The feedback provides some guidance for the development of the systems, such as information about possible problems in a given version, various suggestions for optimization and development of functionalities to meet certain needs. In this way, the organization, which develops the eDMS system, more adequately meets the needs of users and the market, which is subsequently reflected in the new versions that you will receive if you have a subscription update. Thus, by developing your system, you will also optimize your business processes according to the best practices on the market and will be maximally competitive.

Ultimately, updating eDMS systems should be seen as a long-term investment, bringing continuous added value to the organization and users of the system, supporting the optimization of business processes and the management of related documentation. For this reason, do not underestimate the importance of the update of eDMS systems, as their development is part of the development of your organisation.



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