
5 signs you urgently need to implement an eDMS system.

5 signs you urgently need to implement an eDMS system.

In today's rapidly evolving technological and business environment, organizations are constantly looking for solutions to increase their efficiency and improve their productivity to stay one step ahead of their competitors. One powerful tool that can help them to achieve these goals is the eDMS systems (electronic document management systems).

Electronic business process and document management systems facilitate access to information, significantly improve the storage, search and sharing of documents and optimise the management of a workflow at each stage of its execution.
By digitalizing and organizing your documents, the eDMS solution offers multiple benefits that can transform the way your organization operates, whether you are a private or public company.

If you notice any of these 5 key signals, it means that your organization has an urgent need for digital transformation and implementation of an eDMS system.

Difficulty in finding the needed information

Every day you receive, send and process many different types of documents, some of them on paper, some of them received by email. Employees in your organization face difficulties finding the information they need in this sea of paper or electronic documents. They don't know where to look, they don't know how to find it, and they're wasting a lot of time instead of focusing on their core work processes. This in turn leads to reduced efficiency, both for them and for the organization.
Everything listed above is a signal that there is a problem with your data storage and management, and you urgently need to implement an eDMS system. It will provide you with centralized storage of all documentation, its quick updating, as well as easy access for employees to the information with the appropriate rights depending on their position in the organization. The implementation of an eDMS solution will increase the productivity of both the employees and the organization.

You keep missing deadlines

The inability to find and manage your documents properly also leads to the inability to keep track of deadlines for different types of documents, such as contracts, public procurement, different types of requests, payment of insurance premiums, etc.
Missing a deadline in many cases can be fatal and lead to serious consequences such as sanctions, penalties, delays and even stopping of processes and activities in the organization. If these delays happen regularly, they can also reflect on the image of your organization.
By implementing an eDMS system, you will be able to set deadlines for different types of documents and performance of tasks, to monitor these deadlines regularly and to receive different types of notifications about their status, including system messages, e-mail, SMS, etc. In this way, you will avoid the danger of missing a deadline, and the processes in your company will always move forward.

Slow business processes, poor workflow management and lack of effective cooperation

If your business suffers from slow processes and inefficient workflow management, this may be the result of unstructured information or old, complex and ineffective document management methods.
By implementing an eDMS solution, you can model and automate many of your repeatable business processes, including the approval, coordination and signing of documents such as travel orders, requests, leave applications, claims, contracts, technical documentation, etc. This will reduce the possibility of human error and speed up the processing of documentation.
You can also track the process and related documentation at any point in time as well as quickly identify where the process slows down or stops and take preventive measures to eliminate the eventual problems for this.
Another sign that you urgently need a document system is if you notice that the processes of documents sharing and collaboration between different departments or teams in the organization are inefficient or difficult, which slows down the completion of tasks and work, and leads to a loss of productivity. By implementing a business process and document management system, employees will be able to electronically share, edit and work on these documents, regardless of their physical location, and all these changes will be in one place, in your eDMS solution.

Loss of documents, time and operational costs

Paper documents are vulnerable to security breaches and can easily be lost, stolen or damaged, especially when they are moved from floor to floor and from employee to employee. This can be a serious problem for any organization because it results in wasted time trying to recover or locate these documents, operational costs for printing (paper, ink, electricity) or requesting new copies of the documents (administrative fees), which in general can delay and even can stop processes in the organization.
In addition, with the growing threat of cyberattacks, crypto-viruses and data breaches on your computer, information and documentation security is of critical importance to any organization. Business process and document management systems offer built-in data protection mechanisms, including role-based access control and information encryption, verification and malware protection.
The use of an eDMS solution to store and protect information can help you reduce the risks of losing documents, time and money, to improve document management and operational efficiency.

Compliance with regulatory requirements and standards

In today's regulatory landscape, many organizations are subject to strict requirements for storing and managing their data and business processes.
Continuous regulatory updates and changes, as well as imposed fines for possible non-compliance, may lead to the need to quickly implement an eDMS system to ensure that your organization complies with relevant legislation and requirements of ISO standards.
By implementing an eDMS solution, organizations will benefit from more efficient and secure document management and controlled access to them, which is essential for maintaining of confidentiality, data protection and compliance with regulatory requirements and standards.
Document management systems also offer the possibility of generating references, which is useful in the preparation of reports needed to demonstrate compliance with legislation and standards. This will significantly streamline and shorten audit processes in the organization.

And why to implement an eDMS solution?

After all, the implementation of an eDMS system can lead to significant improvements in the efficiency and productivity of teams, reduce errors, automate and optimize business processes, ensure data security in your organization and to provide you with continuous traceability of actions, tasks, deadlines and documents. The relevant signs may tell you that this is a necessary and urgent investment for the future of your business.


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